Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Greetings 2008

Our normal tradition since we became a family is to include a letter in detailing our year and updating everyone on our lives.  Last year  I didn't write that letter, rather did it in email form.  While I don't want to discontinue the letter all together, I find that most all of those interested in our lives come to this blog from time to time.

We bring you Christmas greetings this year again from Louisiana.  This is our fourth Christmas in Louisiana, things that were once new to us are now traditions and we feel at home here more than ever. Rhett and I have both changed jobs this year.  
Rhett is now the IT manager at a small company here in Lafayette, and I am still teaching very part time at the University's continuing education department, and serving as a part of the Universities Americorp team.
Rhett really seems to enjoy his new position, and we all enjoy his new schedule!  I am grateful to not be working nights any longer, and haven't missed the Casino at all!  Between school, work and kids I stay super busy...and feel so much better not being sleep deprived!  I took more hours this semester than I ever had taken at once (17)...and am getting closer, and closer to being done.  My classes are mainly Speech Pathology Classes now, and I really am enjoying them. It is a blessing to be pursuing a degree in a field I enjoy, and am passionate about.

My favorite role however, remains that of Mom!  As I watch them grow I wish there was a pause, or a slow-mo button I could use from time to time.  
Ethan, now 8, is a third grader in the French Immersion program at Evangeline Elementary.  He's quite the reader.  He enjoys school, and does well.  Boy Scouts, Taekwondo, and playing with his siblings and friends keep him busy outside of school.  

Aiden, now 7, is a second grader in the French Immersion program at Evangeline Elementary.  He's quite the artist and builder. He too enjoys and excels at school.  Boy Scouts, and Taekwondo round out his days as well.  
Rhett and I are thrilled with the boy's language skills, and still amazed that they have become bilingual.  It did get a little interesting when Ethan's French teacher (from France) gave her opinions on American politics to her 3rd grade class.  It provided great dinner time discussion about freedom of speech, and evaluating people perspectives in deciding how valid their points are!
Aly, now 5, is in Pre k at the Academy of the Sacred Heart.  She is learning some French this year, so is trying desperately to catch up with her brothers.  Soccer and Taekwondo keep her active and busy.  There is no place that we can imagine would be any better for Aly than ASH! When we discuss moving in the future, it's a struggle for us to imagine our family anywhere else!
The boys have become quite competitive and are always into something together.  Grass stains, hole's in the knee's, and dirt are remnants leftover daily from their time together after school.  Aly is right in the mix with whatever they are up to, and at times is the mastermind of it all!  

Ethan, Aiden and Aly keep us on our toes and laughing.  There are few quiet moments in our home, and many joyful ones.  We took several trips as a family this year,to Tennessee, to the beach,and to Disney World.  Our day to day lives are so busy that these short respites are enjoyed by all.  

Our daily lives are blessed with Friends that have become family.  From picking up kids from school, fixing us dinner on days that were just too busy, and just loving and taking care of us when we needed something they've done it all!  Rhett and I both are thankful for the blessing of good friends.  

We enjoyed snow just a few days ago.  We were thankful for the snow, but just as thankful for the 70 degree day that followed it!  Cold weather is something that will take getting used to when we move North again.

Although, time with family, and holidays have always been something I treasured ... the loss of my Uncle last December makes me a little more conscious of just how fleeting those moment's can be. I pray that you all embrace all of the moments with loved ones not just during this season, but all year long! I hope the Holiday's are enjoyed by all, and that everyone is healthy and happy for the New Year!

Merry Christmas!
The Theobald Family

I will be uploading new pictures within the next day or so!

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